Roberto Ciaccio
Roma 1951 – Milano 2014 BIOGRAPHY Born in Rome, but raised in Milan, after completing his classical studies Roberto Ciaccio graduated in Political Science with a thesis on…
Roma 1951 – Milano 2014 BIOGRAPHY Born in Rome, but raised in Milan, after completing his classical studies Roberto Ciaccio graduated in Political Science with a thesis on…
Classe 1965 BIOGRAPHY She graduated at Liceo Artistico Statale of Busto Arsizio (VA) and, later, at the School of industrual apllied arts of the Castello Sforzesco of Milan. …
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The photos of SharArt – Sharing Art also decorate the Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Article currently under construction, you can read the Italian version in the meantime.
Article currently under construction, you can read the Italian version in the meantime.